Did you get a lollipop?!

With three children born in less than four years I often felt that I was entitled to a group discount at the pediatrician’s office; one kid would get sick, the week after it would be a second one, then it was the third one’s turn. At times the doctor felt so sorry for me (for my sanity, that is!) that he would ask the nurse to give me extra meds for free!

The kids had very diverse reactions to their pediatrician’s visit; our little boy would start screaming his head off, and obliterate mine, while still across the street from the office’s door. Our no nonsense May girl accepted the annoying visit with a stoic, lofty demeanor. She was surely thinking, “I am here to shut mommy up although I had better things to do with my time! Let’s get it over with!” I can’t recall her crying at any time. Goldilocks was something in between; she would get inside the office without needing to be dragged but if she eyed needles…Apriti cielo! Spalancati terra! (Litterally, Open up heaven! Open wide earth! In short, The Apocalypse!)

In those days to sugar coat (literally) the often stressful visits Saint Sue, the pediatrician’s nurse, was promising a lollipop from a large glass jar in the entrance to any child who would behave (then giving them out wether one had or not…). I would always remind the children about that treat, trying to divert their attention to, “What color would you like?” Never holding my breath!

Also mommy had to go to her doctor occasionally and my children (my darling girls seldom missed an occasion to monitor and reproach mommy’s behavior) demanded a concrete proof that I had courageously endured MY visit, especially when I was coming back with a bandaid on my arm. SO?! I resolved to keep a stash of lollipops hidden it in my bathroom; every time I had a doctor’s visit I brought four with me (obviously if I had been really good my doc would give me lollipops also for the three of them?! DAH!) As soon as I got back home from my visit my children would run towards me and enquire, “Did you get a lollipop?!”

Fun fact.

One time I absentmindedly went and came back from the doctor’s office without my bounty; the children caught me before I could sneak up to get some of the lollipops I kept hidden; boy was I in trouble! I couldn’t say the doctor’s stash had run out, could I? That meant the alternative reason for coming back without lollipops could be one and one only; I must have behaved really poorly! Mommy?! REALLY?!!!!!

Thankfully they still didn’t know about impeachmentPFEEEW!